What is a Social Investigation?

When talking about parenting and custody evaluation, social investigation refers to the process performed by an impartial mental health professional who is qualified to provide the court, the parties, and the parties' attorneys with information and recommendations regarding the best interests of the child(ren).

The investigator compiles all relevant information into a written report for the judge to consider when making decisions in cases involving disputes about shared parental responsibility, decision making, time-sharing, and other family law matters.

The social investigator will draft a recommended parenting plan that addresses the parents' decision making authority and specific time-sharing schedules for the court's consideration.

A social study investigation is authorized by Section 61.20, Florida Statutes. Social investigators can be psychologists licensed pursuant to Chapter 490, Florida Statutes, or clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, or mental health counselors licensed pursuant to Chapter 491, Florida Statutes.

To learn more, refer to the following sources below:

  • www.mediationandcounselingconsultants.com
  • www.jud11.flcourts.org

Social investigation does not solely dominate parenting and custody, the term also refers to the process by which a Marxist can interpret the material conditions and social realities of any given instance into a particular analysis which precedes the development of a concrete revolutionary program.

Additionally, social investigation is also being linked to human diversity and as an ongoing process of public inquiry into social problems conducted by the knowledge-generating agencies of government.

Wednesday, November 25 2015