What does a green porch light mean?

A green porch light is a symbol of appreciation and support for veterans.

Green Light a Vet is a campaign sponsored by Walmart and other military support organizations to raise awareness for veterans, service members and their families.

On October 26, Walmart launched its initiative for this physical show of support for military members, asking that people consider swapping out a regular light bulb with a green tinted one. On November 10 over 1.5 million people have pledged their support and some have been showing their green lights in pictures on social media with #greenlightavet.

America’s veterans are some of our nation’s bravest, hardest-working men and women. However, it’s hard to show them the appreciation they deserve when, back home and out of uniform, they’re more camouflaged than ever. Greenlight A Vet is a campaign to establish visible national support for our veterans by changing one light to green.

Green is the color of hope, renewal and well-being. “Greenlight” is also a term commonly used to activate forward movement. The simple action of changing one light to green is intended to spark a national conversation regarding the recognition of veterans, and "greenlight" them forward as valued members of our communities.

Learn more about Green Light a Vet on the campaign’s website.

Tags: runawayawareness 

Thursday, November 12 2015