How to get powers

Do you fancy of becoming a superhuman even just for a day? Super powers that children go crazy about exist in comic books which are told to have been acquired in a variety somewhat unrealistic ways.

While this is far from happening in reality and does not work for every individual, there's a science behind on some of our well-known superhuman abilities, according to an article posted on

The article talks about of following in the footsteps made by Iron Man’s heavy boots of lead. Tony Stark uses a custom-made battle suit –equipped with repulsor rays, missile launchers and flight-capable jetboots– to combat all manner of threats.

In reality, engineers for the U.S. Army are working on an initiative to outfit soldiers in a lightweight, lethal, fully integrated individual combat system that will include built-in firearms, liquid body armor, and a strength-boosting exoskeleton.

Heroes like Batman and the Green Arrow fight crime with little more than highly developed skills, well-toned physiques, and a fanatical devotion to justice.

That's true. But you don’t have to be super-human to be a superhero, and a strict regimen of training is your best bet to becoming a real-world Batman. Read the full article here:

Tag: super powers 

Friday, November 06 2015