What does balance inquiry mean

It's basically a request to know how much funds is left in an existing account.

Banks that offer you an ATM card allow you to withdraw money from your checking account and check your remaining balance through an ATM machine.

Aside from using an ATM machine, an account holder who wants to find out how much cash is available can also use the "balance inquiry" service through accessing the account online or calling the bank's customer service department.

You can also check your ATM balance using your smartphone or tablet. Many banks have an application that you can download to make it easy to log into your account.

ATMs are a great convenience, but they can compromise your safety. A robber looking for easy prey only has to stake out an ATM in a low-traffic, dimly lit area and bide his time. Follow Bankrate's 10 consumer tips for ATM safety and security to make sure your visit to the ATM is uneventful.

Thursday, November 19 2015