What does Archophobia mean?

Did you mean acrophobia? Acrophobia is the extreme or irrational fear of heights or high places.

The word “acrophobia” is derived from the Greek words “acron” (height) and “phobos” (fear).

According to the mental health charity, Mind, symptoms of a phobia involve experiencing intense fear and anxiety when faced with the situation or object that you are afraid of. If your phobia is severe, thinking about the object of your phobia can also trigger these symptoms.

Symptoms of a phobia include:

Physical symptoms

feeling unsteady, dizzy, lightheaded or faint

feeling like you are choking

a pounding heart, palpitations or accelerated heart rate

chest pain or tightness in the chest


hot or cold flushes

shortness of breath or a smothering sensation

nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea

numbness or tingling sensations

trembling or shaking.

Other symptoms

feeling out of touch with reality or detached from your body

a fear of fainting

a fear of losing control

a fear of dying.

Learn more information about phobias, how is it diagnose, its causes, available treatments, and more at the following sites:


NHS Choices

See Oxford Dictionaries' list of phobias from atelophobia to zelotypophobia.

Check out some tips for staying calm, reducing anxiety and phobic trigger, shared by Cure Any Phobia.

Thursday, February 25 2016