What animal produces the largest poop?

Blue whale's poop is the world’s largest documented poop we found.

When a blue whale goes, it goes big. This remarkable phenomenon was captured on camera by Eddie Kisfaludy, a marine biologist and oceanographic consultant, and was shared via WIRED.

The waters were rich in krill, the tiny crustaceans on which blue whales feed, and their orange hue was brightly visible in a fècal plume Kisfaludy photographed. It’s hard to judge absolute distances from the photo, but in scale the deposit is nearly as long as a full-grown blue whale, Kisfaludy said.

Find out why you should care about big animal poop at Mother Nature Network.

Tag: poop 
Wednesday, March 08 2017
Source: https://www.wired.com/2012/08/blue-whale-poop/