Name three living things that are "apodal?"

Apodal is defined as having no distinct feet or footlike members; belonging or pertaining to the orders Apoda and Apodes, comprising various groups of animals without limbs.

Some examples are snakes, fishes and worms.

Apoda - the smallest order (sometimes called Gymnophiona) of the class Amphibia, known as the caecilians. These are wormlike, legless animals with indistinct or even hidden eyes.

There are more than 160 species of caecilians confined to tropical regions of both Eastern and Western hemispheres. Many species are less than 1 ft (0.3 m) in length, but three species of the genus Caecilia grow to over 3 ft (0.9 m).

Apodes, an equivalent name for the Anguilliformes - an order of fish (the eels) of the superfamily Teleostei. The body, which measures up to 3 m in length and may weigh up to 65 kg, is snakelike and usually scaleless.

The eel develops through metamorphosis, beginning life as a translucent, leaf-shaped larva, or leptocephalus, that is entirely different from the adult eel. There are 22 families, embracing 350 species.

Tags: living thingseelssnakesfish 
Tuesday, May 09 2017