Do you giraffes live in the jungle? Are there jungles in Africa?

There are jungles in central and west Africa, but giraffes live on savannas and in open woodland.

Africa is a large, diverse continent that boasts a multitude of ecosystems. Environments that are typically found across sub-Saharan Africa are: Desert, Gallery Forest, Montane, River, Savanna, Tropical Forest, Wetland, and Woodland.

Woodlands differ from tropical forests in their density, temperature, and wildlife. Woodlands are low-density forests, offering plenty of sunlight and small shrubs or grasses. African woodlands cover much of the continent and are the habitat to buffalo, elephants, giraffes, leopards, and many other species. African woodlands are under threat from encroaching human populations that will often destroy forests for firewood and grazing areas for livestock.

Savannas are tropical grasslands with warm temperatures year-round. Characterized by rolling, low grasses and dotted with trees, this ecosystem is home to many of Africa’s most prized species and represents a considerable percentage of the continent’s land mass. Stretching from the horn of Africa west across the continent and then expanding south, cheetahs, lions, elephants, gazelles, and many other species roam this open habitat, and savannas play host to many of the large-scale migrations in Africa.

Learn more about Africa ecosystems at African Wildlife Foundation.

Check out 10 Giraffe Facts from National Geographic Kids.

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Thursday, April 27 2017