Does coffee attract mice

Feedback from the field has suggested that rats and mice hotspots can be found in and around coffee shops, particularly where the coffee beans are stored. ran a series of experiments using non-toxic bait. They started by systematically testing different aromas, and in some cases used specialist companies to extract pure essences to get the perfect scent, as close to the original as they could get. They then picked two different scents usually found in a coffee shop to use.

So far they have not found any evidence that supports the idea that mice are attracted to coffee. What they found was that the bait boxes carrying no extra scent were definitely the mice’s favorite, showing more intake than both those with 10% and 40% essence. The unscented control is currently a firm favorite amongst mice.

They have also repeated this work with Mouse Monitor Units, but this still showed no evidence that mice are attracted to smells of a coffee shop.

Mice love to set up camp inside our homes and businesses because:

Shelter from the rain and other harsh weather conditions
Good, continuous, source of food that’s easy to find

Find out how to get rid of mice and keep them away for good at

Tag: coffee 
Thursday, May 04 2017