How did the transportation revolution affect deforestation?

Transportation revolution played a role in deforestation. Steamboats and railroads caused the growth of towns. They require burning of woods as a source of power which caused rapid deforestation in the Northeast.

Transport revolution enabled more people to move west. New settlers cleared land and chopped wood, destroying animal habitat and western landscapes.

Sawmills and textile mills, relying on waterways for their power, interrupted the path of spawning fish. And in the south, enslaved workers cleared land to make way for cotton fields, thus forever dispossessing Native Americans from those lands.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 30 percent, methane concentrations have more than doubled, and nitrous oxide concentrations have risen by about 15 percent. These increases have enhanced the heat-trapping capability of the earth's atmosphere.

For further reading, see: - An Introduction to the Science of Climate Change - The Industrial Revolution and Its Impact on Our Environment

Wednesday, April 20 2016


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