true or false, the society that engaged in the lowest amount of trading was the hunting-gathering society

True. In this society, human survival depended on hunting animals and gathering plants. Since an area could only support a limited number of people who obtained food this way, the groups were small in size and nomadic, moving elsewhere when the supply of food ran out.

The hunting and gathering society has the fewest social divisions and is the most egalitarian. Since what they gathered was perishable, they did not accumulate possessions.

Hunting and gathering is the oldest form of technology and most widely distributed in time and space.

Humans were hunters and gatherers for by far the largest fraction of human evolutionary history. However, the development of the technology was relatively slow until about an acceleration in evolutionary developments began thousands years ago.

Although humans have established many types of societies throughout history, sociologists and anthropologists usually refer to six basic types of societies, each defined by its level of technology. See CliffsNotes' Types of Societies to learn more.

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