What's the internet slang WCW stand for on Instagram

“WCW” means “Woman Crush Wednesday,” which is when Instagram users share pictures of ladies they find attractive or admire.

Both female and male Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr users participate in the weekly trend, which is most always viewed on a Wednesday. It’s like a small social media holiday where everyone participates in sharing a picture of their favorite female or “girl crush.” It could be a famous star like Jennifer Lawrence, or even someone’s love interest. It’s a good way to recognize an important person in someone’s life, or just give some insight into who someone finds appealing.

Popular stars who show up on “Woman Crush Wednesday” are Nickelodeon star Ariana Grande, former Disney star Demi Lovato, Beyoncé, Jennifer Aniston and “Wrecking Ball” singer Miley Cyrus.

Find out why Tank Girl is the Woman Crush Wednesday here.

Updated on Wednesday, November 13 2013 at 07:45AM EST
Source: www.ibtimes.com/...
Collection: wcw 

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