What is the easy way to peel a hard boiled egg O}-->%--tammy

You've mastered the art of how to make perfect hard boiled eggs, but how the heck do you peel those suckers quickly without making a mess out of the whites or getting the shell jammed into your nailbed? Here are five ways to peel a hard boiled egg, the easy way:

Method #1: Crack the top and bottom, then blow out the egg
Method #2: Add water to a pot, top with a plate then shake
Method #3: Add water to a plastic container, cover then shake
Method #4: Crack shell, insert spoon under shell then rotate the egg
Method #5: Crack the egg, roll on the counter peel shell while the egg is submerged in cold water

One bad hard-boiled egg can ruin you for life. The perfect hard-boiled egg has no green ring around the yolk; the innards are creamy and mellow; and if you're in the mood, you can stop short of the hard-boil and make a gooey soft-boiled egg instead.

Do you know how to make perfect boiled eggs every single time? Learn how to do it at Thekitchn.com.

Tip! Get this all-star, easy-to-follow Hard Boiled Eggs recipe from Food Network Magazine.

Monday, February 29 2016