What is the definition of cotton kingdom

Cotton Kingdom refers to the cotton-producing region of the southern United States up until the Civil War. As white settlers from Virginia and the Carolinas forced the original Native American inhabitants farther and farther west, they moved in and established plantations.

The section remained indelibly tied to and controlled by plantation agriculture. From the Atlantic coast to Texas, tobacco, rice, and sugar were staple crops from 1800 to the 1860s. It was cotton production, however, that controlled life in the region.

For further reading visit Encyclopedia.com.

History is one of those subjects that can cause a lot of headaches for many students. This is why students may describe their History classes as long and dull (especially if you have the wrong teacher!)

However, a good knowledge of history is essential for all students, not just because it’s a common subject but also because it provides actual context to the reality in which we each live in and can be applied to current affairs and everyday life. Here are 5 tips on how to study history at Examtime.com.

Tag: cotton 

Wednesday, December 16 2015