What is a free sex line i can call to talk to women?

Must Be 18:

We found one phone sex line number that is advertised as completely free; they advertise their service as Free Phone Sex No Credit Cards, the number is (888) 212-8283.

Since all businesses need some form of income to remain in business, keep in mind that this may take the form of selling personal information to third parties.

Phone numbers, email addresses, and other such information can be very valuable to a company when sold in bulk; always choose carefully what information you wish to share.

Experts typically agree that for most folks phone sex can be "harmless recreation." The truth is that many people in committed relationships enjoy phone sex with each other as a way to change things up a bit, and spice up their sex lives.

However for some people phone sex can bring on issues that interfere with other aspects of life, become the focus of their lives, and replace "real life" relationships.

Updated on Sunday, July 29 2012 at 10:34AM EDT