What is a good free phone sex hot line?

Must Be 18:

(888) 212-8283 is one number to call that boasts "Free Phone Sex No Credit Cards."

Keep in mind, though, that any business requires income to stay in business. Any business that offers something for free will likely take another angle to produce income, this often takes the form of selling personal information to third parties; phone numbers and email addresses can be very valuable when gathered in large quantities.

With that noted, most experts generally agree that for the average person, phone sex can be "harmless recreation." For some people, however, phone sex can bring on psychological issues, and replace "real life" relationships.

Phone sex is also a method for some couples in long distance relationships to still feel close, even when many miles separate them from each other.

Updated on Monday, May 14 2012 at 09:39AM EDT
Source: www.chatrooms.net/...