what is 10 less than the cube of a number?

If you translate this into an equation, you'll have 10 - x3.

Using the numbers from 1-9, you'll get:

10 - 13 = 9

10 - 23 = 2

10 - 33 = -17

10 - 43 = -54

10 - 53 = -115

10 - 63 = -206

10 - 73 = -333

10 - 83 = -502

10 - 93 = -719

If a number is multiplied by itself three times, then the product is called the cube of that number. To denote the cube of a number, 3 is written a little up to the numbers.

Check out examples for translating sentences into an expression or equation at Delmar.edu and Shmoop.com.

Tag: dear sir 
Wednesday, August 30 2017
Source: http://www.mathway.com