what does postulous mean? Matty J

When searching online for the term postulous, you will be automatically directed to the definition of the more popular word pustulous. But we found that they basically mean refer to the same thing.

A Dictionary of the Gaelic Language: In Two Parts has an entry for the term postulous, having the following Gaelic translations:

guireanach - pimply, pimpled

bucaideach - pimpled, full of pimples

plucanach - abounding in little lumps, knots or bunches

bolgach - pertaining to or abounding in bags/blisters; bellied; bulging, jutting; knobby

builgeineach - full of pustules, blisters or small bubbles

And this publication: Puritan Sermons, 1659-1689: Being the Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark, Volume 1 has an alternate spelling for postulous: pustulous.

Pustules are small bumps on the skin that fill with fluid or pus. These bumps can form on any part of the body, but they are most common on the back, neck, chest, and face. Although these bumps are like pimples, they can grow quite big.

Learn more about pustule at www.healthline.com.

Tag: pustule 

Monday, February 22 2016