What are some funny Honduran jokes?

Here are some funny Honduran Jokes:

Why do Hondurans wear slip-on shoes?
You need an IQ of at least 4 to tie a shoelace.

An evil genie captured a Honduran and her two friends and banished them to the desert for a week. The genie allowed each person to bring one thing.
The first friend brought a canteen so he wouldn't die of thirst.
The second friend brought an umbrella to keep the sun off.
The Honduran brought a car door, because if it got too hot she could just roll down the window!

Did you hear about the Honduran who wore two jackets when she painted the house?
The instructions on the can said: "Put on two coats."

Why do Hondurans laugh three times when they hear a joke?
Once when it is told, once when it is explained to them, and once when they understand it.

Want more Honduran Jokes? Visit fazemo.com.

Tip! Some people are good at telling jokes, but have no idea how the jokes come out of their mouths. These people are naturally funny. But if you are not one of these people or have always had a problem with being funny, don’t sweat.

Understand that all jokes have a formula behind them that makes them funny; otherwise, it’s not funny and that’s not a joke. Here are the ingredients to tell a joke shared by Lifehack.org.

Tag: joke 
Friday, May 27 2016

Source: https://www.createspace.com/4003041

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