Religious Beliefs

What is the Christian Advent celebrating?
what are the prizes for the holiday magic with rona contest?
Is it true the Catholic Church is the reason there won't be a sequel to The Golden Compass?
is the chupacabra real?
Did they find the Higgs Boson or "God particle"?
What’s new with the Christian Dior makeup line?
Why are they connecting the Tea Party Express to hate groups?
are they saying an asteroid influenced evolution?
how much do atheists know about religion?
Is there a lawsuit over the similac recall?
Are they having a prayer day for an Atheist?
are they saying Christians shouldn't do yoga?
Is there a Jesus Toaster?
Are there more sex abuse cases coming out from the Catholic church?!
did Steven Hawking say that there is no God?
do you only eat at night in Ramadan?
Is Glenn Beck Mormon or Christian?
do more Canadians believe in heaven or hell?
When are the Jewish High Holy Days?
Did Steven Hawking say there is no God?
How does religion play into a doctor’s decisions?
Why is a church minister fighting with a strip club?
Did Disney send a Muslim female employee home for wearing her headscarf?
who is tweeting the Bible?
are christians leaving the church but still calling themselves christian?
Are religious leaders using social media to connect to the public?
How many younger people are involved in church or religion?
How do religious leaders feel about the approval of legislation that reduces the disparity of jail time between crack and powder cocaine offenses?
how are religious leaders feeling about California's Prop. 8 overturn?
How do religious leaders feel about the Mosque at Ground Zero?
What do religious leaders think of the Gulf spill? Do they have an opinion?
what culture of people have the most cohesive religious beliefs?
What is Robot Religion?
What is Jesus Shore?
what do Jews have to say about the mosque near Ground Zero?
Did Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois find the elusive Higgs Boson (nicknamed the God Particle)?
can the government choose a religion for the people?
Is God or science real?
r there bus ads against muslims?
Is a Church going to burn the Kuran?
did a politician say that Muslims didn't have the right to practice their religion?
How are Muslim leaders reacting to laws in other countries prohibiting face coverings?
what are house churches?
Why did the Syrian Education Ministry ban the niqab?
What religion are Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie & their children?
Do people still get baptized in the Jordan River?
Do people still get baptized in the Jordan River?
Do people still get baptized in the Jordan River?
Are they killing people for witchcraft in Africa?
does Robert Pattinson have his own religion?
What did the singer Prince say about religion?
how do churches handle it if a child molester visits or wants to be a member?
How much more expensive is it to be Jewish in America?
How do other countries feel about France possibly banning Muslim veils?
is the catholic church working on a new Vatican?
Is China having religious games? Aren't they atheists?
have we found any recent pagan objects?
r there major differences between the anglican and the episcopal church?
Why was the summer solstice at Stonehenge so important to some people?
what happened to Big Butter Jesus?
What’s that religion case about in Ohio?
Did some one create a gas station work out?
is University of California suspending a group on campus because they're muslim?
What are some of the religious symbols in Lady Gaga’s Alejandro video?
what’s the latest on the sexual scandals in the catholic church?
did some people believe that architecture could prevent aging and death?
What did Stephen Hawking say about religion?
Yes i want to hear the last 5 circles of hell
Why will the world in end in 2012?
Do u belive in God ?
. What is the word that people call other people whem they dont believe in God or satin or heaven or hell?
does it say in the bible that a man cannot pierce his ears?
5 sentence Summary of chapter 24 in acts of the apostles that is in the bible.
What are Jacob's children names
How would someone deal their soul to the devil?
Is jesus jewish
R people jewish because it is their religion or their race?
who was apollo the god? VENOM
where was the bible found?
What type of life form is jesus christ?
What the differenes between a catholic and a christian
how dus the praer are father go
Wat are the 10 commandments of da bible...
Is the shroud of turin real?
hey is it against christian religion to get a tattoo. even if it is of the lord's prayer?
Where in the bible are the Nephilim?
FWD: Who killed JESUS?
What isd the spritual life force in all things in hinduism
Do you automatically go to hell if you take your own life ?
How was the Assyrian ruler both god and king
What religion believes there is in heaven and hell. But just dosent care?
is jewish a religion or race?
who is the president of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints?
When is god comin back according to the bible??
How long did moses live in the desert?
What is it called when you do not believe in religon but you still belive in god
What are the names of the four horsemen of the apocolipse
R there really spirits walking the earth
What god is blue and has 6 arms?
Is there proof of heaven

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Religious Leaders

Religious Beliefs


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Other (History, Religion and Politics)

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