
Did Sarah Palin attack Obama on Facebook because the media is making fun of her North Korea ally comment?
What happened to President Obama's lip?
Did Sarah Palin comment about Barbara Bush's insult?
Did former First Lady Barbara Bush say she didn't like Sarah Palin?
Before the Kennedy assassination, did JFK dismiss his bodyguards?
What does Obama say about TSA pat down?
does north korea have nuclear weapons?
is kim jong il stepping down in North Korea?
Is North Korea attacking south Korea because they have a new leader?
are we going to go to war with North Korea to defend South Korea?
why did South Korea and North Korea begin fighting?
why did South Korea and North Korea begin fighting?
What is the Oyez Project that the Supreme Court is doing?
Why is Bristol Palin getting death threats?
what is the jfk deathbed confession all about?
What are people saying about Sarah Palin since Bristol & Willow Palin were calling people gay on Facebook?
Is Bill Clinton going to be in Hangover 2?
Did the Drudge Report start the rumor that Obama's trip cost $200M a day and had 34 warships going?
How is George Bush's new book "Decision Points" doing?
Which president turned Armistice Day into Veteran's Day?
Why has Joe Miller filed a lawsuit today in the Alaska senate race?
Did Senator John Boehner have an affair on his wife?
was boehner invited to the whitehouse by Obama?
Is Senator John Boehner flying commercial instead of take military planes like Pelosi?
Is Governor Bentley in Alabama refusing pay?
Who is the governor of Illinois? Have they figured it out yet?
Why is President Obama in India?
are they saying Obama is going to implement strict gun control laws if we don't elect Republicans?
is President Obama reporting a fake terror attack because of the election?
Is Obama saying that sex education can't teach abstinence anymore?
Did Obama leave any money for abstinence only sex education programs?
Did Obama get rid of abstinence only sex ed programs?
What experience does Lord Clarke of the Supreme Court hold?
what did the president of Chile give the rescued miners?
Where can I see President Obama on the Daily Show?
Who endorses Jerry Brown for California’s governor?
Why are Sikh's upset with President Obama?
is French President Nicolas Sarkozy responsible for the laws that are causing the riots?
did Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' wife want an apology for sexual harrassment?
what did President Obama say about cyber bullying?
Has the Supreme Court made a decision about the Phelps church guy protesting at the marine's funeral?
Will the Supreme Court order the Phelps family to stop picketing families of soldiers during funerals?
Who did President Obama award the Medal of Honor to?
What is the object of Governor of Poker?
Did Iranian President Ahmadinejad meet with radical American Muslims while in the US?
Why did President Obama say Fox News has a destructive viewpoint?
What is President Obama's approval rating?
Is President Obama’s health care overhaul unconstitutional?
Is Rahm Emanual going to try to become the mayor of Chicago?
What is President Obama going to do to increase job creation?
did a senator ever die in a duel?
Who is replacing Mayor Rea in Mishewaka?
did someone threaten to behead Geert Wilders?
Is president obama paying companies to do research and development?
How much did Obama say he will spend on roads?
why was someone detained at the Houston's George Bush International Airport recently?
What board games does the President play?
I missed Obama's speech. What was it about?
Did Fidel Castro die?
What's President Sarkozy going to do about exchange rate swings?
Are they trying to stop people from talking about Obama's religious beliefs?
what games did the President play on vacation during the rain storm?
when is Obama's next speech airing?
Did the reporter that threw his shoes at George Bush start a trend?
is Obama's stimulus package working?
Will Mubarak's son be Egypt's next President?
What's President Obama going to talk about in his next address?
What kind of things do they have at the new Peace Garden at Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Long Beach?
What did Sarah Palin mean when she said a cackle of rads?
Is President Obama being compared to President Washington regarding the Muslim Cultural Center?
what’s next for the former governor of Illinois?
did a group of religious leaders condemn Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich?
Is President Obama a Muslim?
Did women who didn't agree with Sarah Palin dress up like Grizzly Bears?
Did a dumb criminal really leave his debit card at the bank he robbed?
did the president of Afghanistan say we have to get out of Afghanistan in 4 months?
How does President Obama feel about plans for a Islam mosque near ground zero?
Is North Korea grooming a new leader to replace Kim Jong Il?
Is Levi Johnston running for mayor of Wasilla?
Who is South Korea's new Prime Minister?
what did Minnesota governor nominee Tom Emmer do to get pennies thrown at him at a town hall meeting?
how does Mayor Bloomberg feel about the Mosque at Ground Zero?
What did Fidel Castro say about President Obama?
What did the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary say about the Prop 8 ruling?
how is George W. Bush relevant to the midterm elections?
President Obama said African Americans "are sort of a mongrel people" on The View and then said white America is too. What did he mean?
who was at Obama's birthday party?
Is Wyclef Jean running for president?
is Wyclef Jean running for president of Haiti?
Sarah Palin said President Obama lacks cojones, what does that really mean?
how does Barak Obama's approval rating compare to past presidents?
what kind of Leo traits does Obama have?
Is Wyclef Jean running for president?
What was Maxine Waters charged with?
Does anyone still support the Bush era tax cuts?
Are there any interesting Roosevelt era documents out there?
did oklahoma just elect their first woman governor?
Is a Massachusetts legislator trying to get the state to bypass the electoral college for presidential votes?
did Sheriff Joe in Arizona say he would put protesters in jail?
Is there a way I can wish President Obama a happy birthday?

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