Is omg free to sign up ?

Yes, is free to sign up. However, we cannot confirm that it is safe to sign up. We found no negative comments about the site, but we also found no comment in support of their service. Their free sign-up requires a credit card number or checking account information.

The FBI recommends knowing as much as possible about the transaction in which one is entering. The issue here is that all that is known is that a website offers to grant access to sexually explicit material for personal financial information. They might charge up a storm on your credit card, or might provide the exact service promised. It is impossible to safely know without trusting a previous user.

It is recommended that a potential customer to this site look for reviews from actual users, not ratings websites. We found ratings sites that claimed was safe to use and provide information to. The same source also claimed was safe for children to view. Clearly something is askew.

Updated on Tuesday, May 08 2012 at 01:58AM EDT