Has a african american won the national spelling bee?

No. African Americans are not represented among the top finalists. Winners of the Scripps National Spelling Bee have been dominated by Indian-American kids.

Jody-Anne Maxwell (then 12) from Kingston, Jamaica, won 1998 Scripps National Spelling Bee. She made history as the first non-American to win the competition.

According to The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, financial obstacles undoubtedly contribute to the low level of participation by African Americans. Many of the nation’s top young spellers employ tutors and coaches and have access to digital media tools to help them prepare for spelling bees. In many cases, these aides may not be available to young African Americans.

See complete list of Champions and Their Winning Words.

Follow Scripps National Spelling Bee's official Twitter - @ScrippsBee and Facebook - scrippsnationalspellingbee accounts for updates.

Tip! Lifehack shares How to Improve Your Spelling Skills.

Friday, June 03 2016

Source: http://www.factmonster.com/spot/spellingbee1.html

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