Does Maria Menounos have brain tumor?

Maria Menounos issued a long statement on Instagram, following the announcement Monday morning that she will step down as host of E! News after battling a brain tumor.

Menounos told People Magazine that she was diagnosed with a tumor in April, and is still recovering from the seven-hour surgery that successfully removed almost all of the tumor. This comes as her mother, Litsa Menounos, is battling brain cancer.

“I want you all to know that I’m ok!” Menounos wrote. “Seriously I’m recovering well and should be as good as new very very soon!”

Menounos wrote that, while she does not need further treatments, the same cannot be said for her mother, who appears in the Instagram post. “Please keep her in your prayers,” Menounos wrote. Read more at Variety.

In the past, you may have promised yourself to start eating a more healthy and nutritious diet. Now is the time to put that promise into action. Eating well can combat fatigue, help you feel better, and keep your body strong so you can cope more easily with the side effects of treatment.

It can also help you heal and recover more readily from your treatment. Learn more about brain tumor diet and nutrition from the American Brain Tumor Association.

Find the latest news on Maria Menounos on Twitter @mariamenounos or visit her Facebook page.

Tag: brain tumor 
Tuesday, July 04 2017