What time will the game of thrones be on again?

Game of Thrones season 7 returns on July 16 at 9 PM.

Last season of HBO's fantasy-epic "Game of Thrones" put fans through the ringer and was packed with reunions, resurrections, and, of course, gut-wrenching deaths. And in a series that seems to take malicious glee in killing off fan-favorites, the seventh season is expected to upend expectations.

Just recently, HBO releases new 'Game of Thrones' trailer. The premium cable provider released its second trailer for Season 7 of the blockbuster fantasy series "Game of Thrones" on Wednesday morning, and it's chock-full of snow, fire and stirring orchestral themes.

The trailer begins with Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) striding through the snow as renowned meddler Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen) provides voice-over advising, "Don't fight in the North. Or the South. Fight every battle, everywhere, always, in your mind."

From there, the trailer is off to the races, checking in with the three would-be sovereigns of Westeros -- Jon Snow (Kit Harington), Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) -- before moving like wildfire through the rest of the enormous cast. Catch more scoop ang watch the trailer at Los Angeles Times.

Tag: hbo 
Thursday, June 22 2017
Source: http://www.hbo.com/