Casey afleck movies

View Cassey Affleck's filmography on IMDb.

Casey Affleck was born on August 12, 1975, in Massachusetts. The younger brother of actor Ben Affleck, Casey has established a career as an actor in his own right, beginning with smaller roles in films such as To Die For (1995) with Joaquin Phoenix and Chasing Amy (1997) with his older brother.

He found a much more significant role in the film Good Will Hunting (1997), which helped him showcase his acting talent and land larger roles in film. He starred in Ben Affleck's directorial debut Gone Baby Gone in 2007, which received relatively positive reviews.

Casey Affleck took home the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a drama for his performance in Manchester by the Sea at the annual star-studded event on Sunday night.

The actor was nominated alongside Loving's Joel Edgerton, Hacksaw Ridge's Andrew Garfield, Captain Fantastic's Viggo Mortenson and Fences' Denzel Washington.

"There's no work that belongs to just one actor," Affleck said during his acceptance speech, before thanking his costar Michelle Williams.

Affleck, 41, earned the statuette for his portrayal of disaffected janitor who is named guardian to his teenage nephew (played by Lucas Hedges) following his brother's death. The Kenneth Lonergan-directed weeper earned Affleck glowing reviews and marked his industry breakthrough; the movie grossed $34.8 million worldwide on an estimated $8.5 million budget. Read more at Forbes.

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Monday, January 09 2017