Free Weather Text Alerts

Localized daily weather text alerts sent straight to your phone via SMS

kgb Weather Text Alerts keep you informed of the latest weather forecast in your area. Make sure you know what's coming, rain or shine, even when you're on the go. Best of all, our alerts are free, always up to date, and can be stopped anytime.


Latest weather forecast for your area

Sample Alert:

Salem, MO
Now:21F 37/19 Mstly Sunny
W:42/28 Sunny
Th:51/31 Mostly Cloudy
F:55/39 Mstly Sunny
Sa:46/18 Rain


Once daily.


Free! (Std. msg & data rates apply)


Text NOALERTS to stop Weather Text Alerts.

City or Zip Code:

Set timing:

Enter your mobile number

( )
Max 31 msgs/mo. Message and data rates may apply. Text HELP to 542542 for help. Text STOP to 542542 to cancel. View full terms and conditions here.


  • What are kgb Weather Text Alerts?

    kgb Weather Text Alerts keep you posted on the latest weather forecast for your area via SMS. kgb has hundreds of free text alerts, from diet and flirt tips to horoscopes and sports scores & more. Best of all, all our alerts are free, always up to date, and can be stopped anytime.

  • How do I sign up for kgb Weather Text Alerts or any other kgb text alert?

    It's simple and fast to sign up. Just select your mobile text alert, customize what content you'd like to receive and how often, enter your mobile number and hit submit – it's that easy!

  • Are kgb Weather Text Alerts free?

    Yes, all kgb text Alerts are free to receive but standard message and data rates may apply.

  • When are kgb Weather Text Alerts sent? Can I change the day and/or time I get these alerts?

    kgb Weather Text Alerts are sent once daily. Send times for other free mobile text alerts vary. Please check each text alert page for details.

  • How can I stop/cancel receiving kgb Weather Text Alerts?

    You can stop receiving kgb Weather Text Alerts by texting back NOALERTS.