Why was Tomi Lahren’s show suspended?

Amid a conservative backlash over Tomi Lahren’s explanation on why she is “pro-choice,” the conservative commentator’s show has reportedly been pulled off air for the week, the Blaze confirmed.

Lahren, the 24-year-old host of the show “Tomi” on the conservative website, said on “The View” Friday that she supports abortion rights, saying that as someone who supports limited government, it would be hypocritical of her to believe the government should decide what women should do with their bodies.

Conservative writers, social media users and talk show hosts — including Blaze founder Glenn Beck — soon fired back, criticizing Lahren’s comments and justification. And on Monday, Leon Wolf, managing editor of the Blaze, told CNN that “Tomi’s show will not be in production this week.” Read more at Washington Post.

Find the latest news on Tomi Lahren on Twitter @TomiLahren or visit her Facebook page.

Tuesday, March 21 2017
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/03/21/tomi-lahrens-nightly-show-pulled-for-a-week-after-her-abortion-comments/?utm_term=.92cb0022a675