Who robert hight wife

Robert Hight is married to Adria Force, John Force's daughter with his first wife, Lana.

Adria is the chief financial officer of John Force Racing. It was Adria who convinced her father to give Robert a shot in the cóckpit after longtime teammate Tony Pedregon left JFR at the end of 2003.

In 2011, the former John Force Racing tire wiper was named president of the team. He works side by side with 16-time champion and JFR CEO John Force to ensure the long-term stability of one of racing’s most dominant franchises.

Tip! Find the latest about Robert Hight on Twitter @roberthight7000.

Tag: john force 
Monday, August 01 2016
Source: http://espn.go.com/racing/nhra/story/_/id/12749376/funny-car-driver-robert-hight-living-dream-john-force-racing-nhra