Whats the proper or a really neat way to wish a golfer good luck

"Have a good game" is fine, but most people say that it would be "Have a good round", since 18 holes of golf constitute a round.

If you’re not a golf aficionado, then playing 18 holes of golf sounds like absolute torture to you. The speed of a round of golf depends on the skill of the player, the traffic of the course, the size of the course, the size of the group and the mode of moving around the course.

Golfing 18 holes averages around four hours for a foursome of average players. A normal golf hole will, on average, take a group of professional golfers around 10 minutes and a group of average amateurs around 15 minutes. This equates to an 18-hole round of golf taking anywhere from 3 to 4 1/2 hours.

But like every sport, practice makes perfect. No one can expect to be great at golf after picking up the club the first time. Whether you’re a beginner to the game of golf, a mediocre player or a long time challenger here are some tricks of the trade of how to survive 18, enjoyable, holes of golf shared by Theodysseyonline.com.

Tag: luck 
Wednesday, July 19 2017
Source: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=664139