What's a just due

Just due can be found in secular or religious terms meaning to receive what you deserve.

In Isaiah 49:1-26, the principle of just due was address:

Just due as God’s reward – Isaiah 49:1-7
Verse 5 makes it clear that the Servant of the Lord is not the collective of Israel but a real individual. His mission as Savior is ordained before his birth. At first His work is concealed, then revealed through His proclamation. Although He is rejected, abandoned, and hated by man, He brings salvation first to the Jew and then to the Gentiles even to the utter ends of the earth. Who else could this be than Jesus Christ?
Just due in God’s timing – Isaiah 49:8-13 cp. Ephesians 4:8ff
In contrast to the disdain of earthly rulers revealed in the previous verses, a prophecy is made concerning Christ’s vindication as king and the promised fulfillment of God’s covenant for salvation. It is revealed by His resurrection from the dead, His liberation of the lost from their captivity to sin, and His eternal provision of peace for His own.
Just due as God’s testimony – Isaiah 49:14-26
Hope is proclaimed to all who are oppressed. This hope is based on God’s proclamation that He remembers the helpless and brings about deliverance to the hopeless in order to make known the power of His redemption as Savior of those who turn to Him for emancipation from their corruption.

Check out these tops 25 what you deserve quotes at azquotes.com.