What year did joan crawford die

Joan Crawford died of a heart attack on May 10, 1977, in New York City, leaving a multifaceted film legacy that would inspire analysis for years to come.

Born on March 23, 1905, in San Antonio, Texas, Joan Crawford began dancing at a young age, and went on to act in dozens of films. She was one of Hollywood's top stars of the 1930s, earning an Oscar for her lead role in 1945's Mildred Pierce. She later became known for the horror classic Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? and was the subject of the memoir Mommie Dearest.

Here are 10 facts about Joan Crawford fascinating life and career shared by Biography.com .

Why the real fight between Joan Crawford and Marilyn Monroe was even nastier and juicier? It all hinged on an iconic, revealing gold dress. Find out more at Vanity Fair.

Tag: joan crawford 
Monday, March 06 2017
Source: http://www.biography.com/people/joan-crawford-9260899#family-life-and-abuse