What is the name of the newspaper company that peter parker works for as a photographer. This is from spiderman

Peter Parker worked for the Daily Bugle.

Daily Bugle is a New York City tabloid newspaper organization located in New York. J. Jonah Jameson, a superhero aggravant, served both as the editor and publisher. Under his leadership it was known for its smear campaigns against superheroes, particularly Spider-Man.

Peter Parker, works as a freelance photographer and sells pictures of himself as Spider-Man to the Bugle, even though they are used against him.

As per IMDb, the Daily Bugle newspaper building is actually the Flatiron building, a famous Manhattan landmark that was built in 1902. In the comics, the Bugle's building is on East 38th Street and Second Avenue.

Spider-Man is getting back to his roots in a new animated TV series. Marvel Comics' popular web-slinger superhero returns to his teenage years and his earliest days as a superhero in Marvel's Spider-Man, premiering next year on Disney XD. Find out more at USA Today.

Monday, October 24 2016
Source: http://comicvine.gamespot.com/daily-bugle/4060-40822/