What is the geometric mean of 144 and 4?

The geometric mean of 144 & 4 is 24.

As explained by Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program, means are mathematical formulations used to characterize the central tendency of a set of numbers. Most people are familiar with the "arithmetic mean", which is also commonly called an average.

Mathematical definition: The nth root of the product of n numbers.

Practical definition: The average of the logarithmic values of a data set, converted back to a base 10 number.

How do you calculate a geometric mean? The easiest way to think of the geometric mean is that it is the average of the logarithmic values, converted back to a base 10 number.

However, the actual formula and definition of the geometric mean is that it is the nth root of the product of n numbers, or: Geometric Mean = n-th root of (X1)(X2)...(Xn)

Where X1, X2, etc. represent the individual data points, and n is the total number of data points used in the calculation.

Learn more about Geometric Mean Calculations at Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program.

Tuesday, February 14 2017
Source: http://www.easycalculation.com/statistics/geometric-mean.php