What is hyopia?

Did you mean Myopia? Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common type of refractive error where close objects appear clearly, but distant objects appear blurry.

This condition develops in eyes that focus images in front of the retina instead of on the retina, which results in blurred vision. This occurs when the eyeball becomes too long and prevents incoming light from focusing directly on the retina. It may also be caused by an abnormal shape of the cornea or lens.

Some of the signs and symptoms of myopia include:




Difficulty seeing distant objects, such as highway signs

Myopia can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

To learn more, visit the National Eye Institute

Check out 6 Tips for Eye Health and Maintaining Good Eyesight, shared by WebMD.

Tags: myopiaeye 
Tuesday, June 14 2016

Source: https://nei.nih.gov/health/errors/myopia