how many freckles does the average person have?

Not Legal Advice: How many freckles you get depends on the skin type you have inherited. Some families get only a few or no freckles, while members of other families may get hundreds.

People who have fair skin are more likely than others to get freckles. People with red hair, for example, are more likely to get a lot of freckles.

People are not born with freckles, they only develop after a person has been exposed to sunlight.

There are two types of freckles. One type appears when the skin is exposed to sun in summer, and this type fades during winter months. The other type does not fade. These freckles tend to be darker than the freckles that fade.

Freckles do not turn into skin cancers, but they are a sign that sun damage may be happening. People who get freckles are more likely to develop skin cancers, so freckles should be a warning to take good care of your skin.

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Tags: frecklesclusterdozenmelanin 
Wednesday, June 15 2016


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