What is .0002 written as a fraction of a percent

.0002 can be written as the fraction 1/5000.

Here's how to convert .0002 to a fraction:

Since there are 4 digits in 0002, the very last digit is the "10000th" decimal place.

So we can just say that .0002 is the same as 0002/10000.

The fraction is not reduced to lowest terms. We can reduce this fraction to lowest terms by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2.

So, this fraction reduced to lowest terms is 1/5000.

.0002 is 1/5 of .1%.

Recall that percent means to divide by 100. So, 1 percent equals .1/100 = .001.

To convert 1/5 to a decimal, divide 5 into 1. You get .2

In percent problems, "of" means multiplication. So multiplying .2 and .001 yields .0002

TIP: Improve your math marks with these 7 steps to better math performance, shared by Mathematics Expert, Deb Russell, of About.com.

Tags: smalldecimal 
Wednesday, March 23 2016

Source: http://www.webmath.com/_answer.php

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