If I got 33 questions right out of 45 questions- what is my percentage?

Your percentage would be 73.33.

Use this free online Percentage Calculator to calculate percentages.

When we say "percent" we are really saying "per 100". One percent (1%) means 1 per 100.

Because "percent" means "per 100" think: "this should be divided by 100".

So 75% really means 75/100

And 100% is 100/100, or exactly 1 (100% of any number is just the number, unchanged)

And 200% is 200/100, or exactly 2 (200% of any number is twice the number)

A percent can also be expressed as a decimal or a fraction. A half can be written...

As a percentage: 50%

As a decimal: 0.5

As a fraction: 1/2

Learn more on how to work out percentages (%) at www.mathsisfun.com.

Tag: divide 
Friday, May 06 2016

Source: http://www.percentagecalculator.net/

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