what happened to jenny shecter from the l word as a child?

What we only found is that the L Word handled Jenny’s childhood and sexual abuse, in the most confusing and matter of fact way.

Other than flashback scenes, Jenny never addresses what happened to her, and how or why it has shaped the human she is. Sources suggest that the writers dropped the ball on what could have been an eye opening discussion on what sexual abuse during childhood continues to do to adults.

By presenting her abuse in such a fantastical way the viewer never got the seriousness of how powerful and life changing sexual assault is. You instelesbad saw a manic pixie dream girl with no concrete understanding of how much her assault shaped her life.

The impact of showrunner Ilene Chaiken’s characters is undeniable. They helped change TV’s LGBT landscape forever. Find out what L Word character are you at Pride.com.

Tags: l wordchildhood 
Tuesday, August 22 2017
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ryley-rubin-pogensky/the-way-that-we-live-an-i_b_10122754.html