What does 'segura viudas' mean in english?

A word for word translation gives us the following English equivalents of the phrase Segura Viudas:

Safe Widows
Sure Widows

Segura means safe/sure and Viudas is translated as widows.

Segura Viudas refers to a brand of sparkling wine; a winery (owned by the Freixenet group); and a historical watchtower in Spain.

The Segura Viudas estate has roots dating back to the 11th century. It started as an inhabited watchtower, and was later converted into a Catalan country house in the 13th century, growing all kinds of crops for the local monastery, including wine grapes.

In the 1850’s it began crafting cavas, becoming the winery that continues to earn its reputation as one of the world’s top producers of sparkling wines to this day.

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Tags: englishspanish 

Tuesday, January 05 2016