What does se pou mari-joslin jadon kem ap fleri jodia mean?

We found several English translations for the Haitian Creole phrase, "pou mari-joslin jadon kem ap fleri jodia".

Literal translations from different sites:

husband-kem Joslin Jadon will flourish today- Stars21.com

for husbands-joslin jadon I in flower today- ImTranslator

husband-kem Joslin Jadon will flourish today- eprevodilac.com

Word by word translation from different sites:

pou- for, so that,
mari- husband, Mary
joslin- Joslin
jadon- Jadon
kem- I, kem
ap- will
fleri- flower, bloom
jodia- today

Haitian Creole is one of Haiti's two official languages, along with French. It has a systematic orthography where spelling strictly follows pronunciation, except for proper nouns and foreign words.

Tip! Learn to speak and understand Haitian Creole through lessons from learn101.org.

Monday, December 28 2015