what does "recideous" mean?

Recideous is not a word in the English dictionary. Did you mean "residuous"?

Residuous is defined as remaining or residual by Merriam-Webster.

Here are some of the commonly misspelled words (correct v common misspelling):

accommodate, accommodation - accomodate, accomodation

achieve - acheive

across - accross

aggressive, aggression - agressive, agression

apparently - apparantly

appearance - appearence

argument - arguement

assassination - assasination

basically - basicly

beginning - begining

believe - beleive, belive

committee - commitee

See lists of most often misspelled English words at the following sites:

Oxford Dictionaries

Your Dictionary

Capital Community College

While spelling used to be taught via simple memorization, experts now believe that understanding key spelling rules is the best way to master new words. See some Rules and Suggestions about Spelling shared by Your Dictionary.

Friday, March 04 2016