What does Mrc, M-, and M+ mean on a calculator?

The MRC function on a calculator is short for Memory Recall.

When you use the separate "Memory" button to store a particular number in your calculator's memory, you use the MRC button to bring that stored number back up on screen. This is particulalrly handy when you're using the same number in several different calculations. You can set up and use the MRC function on any calculator in just a few seconds.

The memory keys (M+, M, and MRC) allow you to do calculations in the calculator's memory (check what the equivalent keys are on your own calculator).

The M+ key is used to add a number to the memory, or to add it to a number already in the memory.
The M- key is used to subtract a number from the number in memory.
If you press the MRC key once, the calculator displays the number stored in memory. If you press this key twice, the calculator's memory is cleared.
When you use a memory key, the letter 'M' appears at the top of the display screen, showing that the number on the display has been stored in the calculator's memory.

This means that you can do longer calculations without having to write down the steps in between. It also gives you a way of doing calculations in the right order.

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Tags: calculatormemory 
Tuesday, September 12 2017
Source: https://www.hunker.com/13409447/how-to-use-mrc-on-a-calculator