Two coins are knocked off a table at the same time by different forces of friction. Which coin will hit the floor first?

They will hit the ground at the same time. Gravity accelerates all things equally.

Gravity doesn’t care what size something is or whether or not it is moving, it treats all things equally and accelerates them downward with equal rates.

Everything falls at the same rate of speed. A bullet fired parallel to the ground from a gun and a bullet dropped from the same height at the same time will both hit the ground at the same time.

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Interested in doing some experiments on gravity? Gravity makes a great subject for a science fair project. shares 6 Science project ideas that are perfect for grade school, middle school and high school level students.

Speaking of gravity, do you know how much Sandra Bullock make for one of the top-grossing movies of 2013, ‘Gravity’? Get more scoop at

Tags: gravityfrictioncoins 
Thursday, April 30 2015


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