True or false the introduction of a speech usually should be prepared before the body?

False, it is better to write the body of the speech first so you can make a proper introduction for your speech.

The body of the speech is the biggest and is where the majority of information is transferred. Consequently, it requires careful thought and consideration as well as some imagination to organize the body of a speech effectively.

Once the body details are written, package the material between the introduction and conclusion. The introduction supports the main idea in that it warms up the audience to you, presents the thesis, and tells the audience where you are taking them. The introduction should:

insight curiosity and audience interest

clearly introduce your thesis, and

paint a road map for the audience to follow. Avoid triteness while doing it.

See sample speech outline or public speaking template on

For more helpful tips on writing speeches, see sources below: - How To Organize The Body Of A Speech - 5 Steps to Impact! Powerful Speech Writing Quick and Easy

Tuesday, June 21 2016


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