Other (Body, Soul and Spirituality)

what foods help sex drive?
Is there anyone on earth that is immortal
At what month will u be able to tell what the sex of a human baby is
Why does beauty make me sad?
Im 14 but I still love to play guns and stuff like that. Is this normal?
what is apollinarianism
Can you tickle a dog?
There is a glass of what and its filled half way. Is it half full or hf empty?
Could a grenade launcher kill someone if the grenade is shot at a person but doesn't explode
What is bad mood watergun
what can help you fall asleep??
what are the stages of acceptance?
What is the best way to fake sickness?
am i obsesive?
What pill is white with 5161 on it
What is it called when one twin is a any and the other a girl.
How do you stop being lame
what makes a person a sex addict?
What can i do to be unbored?
Who has the biggest breast in the world ?
Im not satisfied with the answer
whats the answer to life?
Is telekinesis possible
Can you flip someone off using your toes?
why does asians look like bulldogs?
What are the cross strains that create sour diesel?
What happens if you turn atheist
My grandma passed away. How do I get over her death
What do women do once a week at work?
em i going to go to hevaen or hell
How can i become a good mother -crystal
What makes u feel better when you're feeling sad???
What is the most painless way to die? Do not include medical means.
If you never cut it, how long would your hair be at age 80?
. Are the really telekinetic people?
Is the sun the biggest star ever
What are the seven stages of death
what are some symbols of foreverness
If you are approached by a gay man trying to touch you, how can you defend yourself?
Is it true that if you shave your pubic hair it will grow longer?
How do you break in your own house without causing damage?
Are modern day cannibals or head hunters considerd smarter, stronger, faster n live longer than your regular average human?
Will universal healthcare affect the nurses jobs or salary?
why do people excist?
is there a fast way to fall asleep?
What is abyss his real name
does a broken soul ever heal
Y do i hate ugly people
Is there a way to find ancestors without paying for it
How can i build my self esteem RideTheTiger
Is it possible for my gf 2 c my mom that has pasted away while she is asleep
does listening to music help u study and what kind of music
How do i get over my fear of clowns
what dose the number thirteen symbolize?
Whats the strongest bone in the human body?
Who generally sweats more, men or women?
What emotions are associated with the color green?
Whats the answer to life? -ambeer
How is it that u r talller in the mornin than ur in te afteernoon?
Why dont people go barefoot in public
im 14 and my boobs havent developed yet. why is that?
When is the best time to ak your girl for sex
What exactly is mesotheleoma?
Do you think i'm a pretty man
How do you know if you have a passion for something, such as cars or something else?
What are all of the emoticons could you please tell me how to make them?
What does an autopsy consist of?
What is the next bra size after 40 b
How can people switch bodies or switch souls or minds
Were trexs born with teeth?
Why did my dad have to die
What are the roles of the id, ego, and super ego in psyche?
How many cigaretts are in a pack
what does frugul mean
How to stop a baby from crying
what is the thigh bone known as
wat r ghost made of
Classification is a characteristic of which Piagetian stage?
If someone weights 130 pounds and smokes one gram of meth how long will it be in the system?
How many nerves are in a person's ass?
What does trans-physical mean?
What is mixed with hydrogen peroxide and dawn dish soap to remove skunk odor?
What is the average life span of a human
What am i thinking of?
Is there anything that can help me get pregnant?
How much money a year would you get from going to the sperm bank twice a week?
How often should you go get touch-ups on a tattoo?
Where is your appendix located
Yes i would like more info.
Yes. How can i tell if i turn psychic
Y does shit stink
What would Sigmund Freud say is true about the contents of the unconscious mind?
What is the world record for the largest breast?
is witch craft real Rebecca-N- Roy
will adderall show up in all drug screens?
why is that we take blessings for granted and only focus on the bad?
Why is scotch korean a contradiction.
Why is my one year old so whiny
Why is marijuana represented by 420?

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