Other (Recommendations)

How can I find something fun to do in my area?
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I totally believe there is alien life in the universe. Is there a university that can help me pursue this passion?
What’s an alternative to staying in a hotel when we go on vacation?
anywhere I can participate in online auctions?
I need a creative way to break up with my girlfriend. Do you have any recommendations?
what school really offers underwater basket weaving?
I am not comfortable showing all my goods when going through those full body airport security scanners. What can I do to keep my privates private?
What’s a good grocery delivery site?
Where’s the best place to find collectibles?
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Where can I LARP with others?
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How much is a passport?
i'm looking for life improvement from peers have you heard of such a thing?
I need to find something that will improve my business skills, help!
I'm looking for some Feng Shui to improve myself, any recommendations?
Where can I find an adults only swimming pool in Vegas?
Why are gas prices going down?
Where can I hike naked?
i get it all airlines aren't that great. but when judged, which one comes out on top?
I'm looking for a top notch day spa. What can you recommend?
I would love to find a site where I could book my restaurant reservations and see a review. Know of anything like that?
What can I bring into Bonnaroo's Centeroo?
What am I not allowed to bring to Bonnaroo?
How much do the Bonnaroo RV rentals cost?
Can I rent a tent at Bonnaroo?
A month to month residential contract?
Is it free if chick fila doesn't give me a receipt? Do I have to ask them and they refuse for it to be free?
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How was was valentines day created
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What movie should we watch
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What is the most popular Valentine's gift?
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