How does it work

How does Kangen water supposedly heal?
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What is BP doing to stop the oil spill?
are people really able to steer their wheelchairs by sniffing?
Are there any new medicine delivery methods?
how does GPS work?
is there a real dream reading device like in Inception?
What is Kinect?
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is wind energy considered green?
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I heard about stem cells restoring sight to people with a burned eye, how does that work?
Lindsay Lohan has to wear a scram bracelet, how does it work?
will we ever have 3D movies or tv without those dorky glasses?
could a car run on nuclear power?
What makes the iPhone 4 able to detect motion and rotations?
In terms of physics and current, how does a microphone work.
What is the Master Cleanser?
Tomorrows weather
How do i set the clock on my pioneer mosfet 50w x 4 - p6400 cd player
What is the function of a household water softner and how does it work ?
if my all-tube guitar amplifier suddenly suffers an extreme decrease in volume but still powers on, what could be the problem?
What makes the cold steam in humidifyers?
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Even if you push it
When do you set the clock forward
How do two guys survive jumping out of an airplane with only one parachute ?
When do we set clocks up an hour
Why is it that a tall bulding won't collapse during an earthquake?
is ther a large iron deposit north of the u.s. that effects magnets
Why do you get hot when you drink alcoholic drinks?
If I preorder the Ipad do I pay for it then or can I just put a down payment or what?
Why do mexican jumping beans jump?
Do jumping beans really exist?
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What would happen if clothes were washed in a half detergent half urine solution?
How do you play a movie on the iPhone that was rented through iTunes?
RE:|What affect does the spliced dna have the rest of the strand ---------- Thanks and sit tight, kgb is researchi
What can diamonds not cut?
How dose a aircraft carrier float
Why does bathwater normally have electrolytic behaviors?
and my question is wat is the best soda in the world
What is the blue tipped 556 round? and what is it used for?
How is music put on a cd in the factory?
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How do disable a bomb?
Where is the Dos prompt?
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Do those love comericals really work? 10 thngs I hate
How do you know if a dimamond is real
What are a few really good mixes for vadka?
- What is the muzzle velocity of a .223 WSSM or a 5 mm/35 SMC
If u get abducted what should you do
Wuts the name of the type of bullet that when shot into something it shatters inside so its like alot of little bullets.? PeeeGeee13
What word can you spell with these letters lmnseira.
Why does the tide come up at night
Why does steam come up from the street?
why does a microwave spin your food?
Why do we get potholes in the roads after it snows or ices over Donald
Why do they make smelly markers
why do refrigerators have a warm setting
Why do radio signals strengthen when you actually touch the antennae?
Why do my cigarettes keep going out by themselves?
Why are there life jackets on air plaines instead of parachutes
When your in a plane and the door is opend why does everything get sucked out and not blown in?
When a volcano erupts quietly what kind of mountain forms
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What to do when the electricity is out
Is the sticky thing on letters turtle pee?
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What shutter speed should you use to take a panning motion picture?
What is ph level, what are it's characteristics?
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What's nail polish made of?
What is money made out of
Me and my friend want to know why is blue blue
What is the little ball in a whistle for?
What jamodi stand for?
Who invemted cell phones
If i have a ipod,and it is not uplouding soungs.if i reset the ipod to the way i got it!Will it take down soung&movies?its a Sonny. what do i do?
Hows the best way to rememba what you studied
How old is dr Phil
How much power does a wind mill make
How money is made.
How long does it take to break a habit?
How fast does the modern train go?
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How does petroleum naturally occur?
How does lighting make the thunder loud
How does an alternating current generator produce electricity?
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How does a plasma t.v. Work.
How does a band work?
How do you put a tv on your ceiling?

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