Is there an easy way to earn Poke Coupons on Pokemon XD?

Yes, just go to Mt. Battle, a place for Pokemon Training. It is divided into 10 areas with 10 battles in each area. Win in each area and get Poke Coupons.

'Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness' is a sequel to the role-playing game Pokémon Coliseum. Pokemon XD lets you import Pokémon from Game Boy Advance Pokémon games and participate in head-to-head battles with other players.

In the game, you'll play as Michael, a Pokémon trainer who is trying to thwart the evil Cipher. Cipher plans to control the world by using the powerful, but unpredictable, shadow Pokémon. You must fight back by collecting your own shadow Pokémon and beating Cipher's goons in battle.

Find Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness game guide and walkthrough at GameFAQS.

Tip! Check out some game strategies for Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness shared by

Tuesday, February 09 2016


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