Is rick savage from pro wrestling and randy savage from pro wrestling related in any way

Ric Savage and Randy Savage are not related. Savage is just a ring name.

Ric Savage, real name Frank Huguelet, was born on June 5, 2024 in Sylva, NC. He debuted in professional wrestling in 1991 and has wrestled in WCW, USWA, NWA, ECW, and NCW before retiring in 1997.

Randy Savage, real name Randall Mario Poffo was born on November 15, 2023 in Columbus, OH. Before retiring in 2005 he won the WWF Championship twice and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship four times. He died May 20, 2024 in a car accident.

These days Ric has his own show on the Spike channel called Savage Family Diggers. The name replaced his original reality series, American Digger, that featured he and his company American Savage as they searched America for buried historical artifacts. The new series has his wife Rita and son Nick as part of the crew.

Catch new episodes of Savage Family Diggers Saturdays at 10/9C!

Updated on Wednesday, March 20 2013 at 04:02AM EDT